21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme

21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme: Which One is Right for You?

At first glance, comparing 21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme will show you that they have a lot in common, but they’re not completely interchangeable. They’re both effective, but which one do you need for your fitness goals and current fitness level?

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21 Day Fix vs 21 Day Fix Extreme: What’s the Difference?


The simple answer? One’s great for beginners and the other one is perfect for more advanced exercisers. Intermediate exercisers may feel comfortable with either one, depending on their goals and needs.

If you’re a beginner, start with the original 21 Day Fix. If you’ve been working out for a while, you can choose either one or bounce back and forth between programs.

Because they’re both available through Beachbody on Demand (BOD) and you get access to everything when you sign up. It will be easy for you to preview them both, start out with 21 Day Fix and seamlessly progress to 21 Day Fix Extreme, or stick with one or the other for multiple rounds.

What Do You Eat on 21 Day Fix Programs?

Have you ever started a diet that quickly got out of hand with odd ingredients that were difficult to find, expensive ingredients, supplements, and a ton of prep work to even make the food? Neither of these programs will do that to you.

It will take some practice to get the hang of which foods go in which containers and how to cook certain meals and measure accurately when you’re also cooking for the family. Any way of eating has a learning curve, However, 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme generally celebrate simple foods anyone can find.

21 Day Fix Extreme’s Countdown to Competition diet focuses more on lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits (and less on grains and dairy) than the rest of the program. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you’ll go hungry.

If you’re a vegetarian or have a gluten-free diet, you can still work within the guidelines of the 21 Day Fix programs. You’ll have lists of foods to choose from for each food group, so you just pick the ones that work for you.


You don’t need a lot of supplements to get results from either program, though you might see accelerated results if you use some. Keyword: might. If Shakeology curbs your cravings for sweets and their pre-workout gets you to give your workout your all when you’d be phoning it in (or skipping it completely) otherwise, supplements will definitely help.

How Are the Containers Color-Coded?


When you commit to either program, you’ll get the rundown on what everything means in detail along with a list of foods for each container, but here’s the overview:

  • Red: Proteins
  • Blue: Healthy fats (certain nuts, avocados, etc.)
  • Purple: Fruits
  • Orange: Healthy fats and seeds (dressings, olives, shredded coconut, etc)
  • Yellow: Starches and Treats (no treats in Extreme, though!)
  • Green: Vegetables

One of the beautiful things about these programs is how easy it is to make healthy eating a part of actual, everyday life instead of something to obsess over and dedicate tons of time and energy to, day in and day out. Who wants to live that way?

Where to Buy 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme

Unless you’re searching for a used set, you’ll need to access these workouts through Beachbody on Demand. That means that no matter which subscription offer you sign up for, you’ll have access to both of them.

If you only purchase used DVDs, you’ll also need to buy a set of containers separately. They’re available on Amazon.

Extra Workouts with BOD


Autumn Calabrese recently reshot all of the workouts from 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, so if you go with the Beachbody on Demand option, it’ll include extra 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts, not just the ones from the older DVDs you’ll get if you purchase a used copy. Your results will be the same, either way.

Save Money with Challenge Packs

As of this writing, there’s a challenge pack option that will get you access to both programs, the 40 new workouts shot in real-time, workout calendar, Shakeology, shaker cup, containers, and additional optional supplements. The prices range from around $180.00 to $230.00. The general BOD package is about $140.00 with Shakeology and doesn’t come with the containers or other program-specific extras.

21 Day Fix Basics

21 day fix exerise importance

The claim: You can lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days. How much you will actually lose with this program will depend on a lot of different factors (how much weight you have to lose, how much energy you exert in your workouts, health conditions you may have, etc.).

21 Day Fix Eating Plan

You simply find out how many times you need to fill each of the containers each day and plan your meals based on that (hint: don’t eat straight from the containers; just use them as measuring cups and you’ll feel like you’re eating more). You shouldn’t feel deprived because you’ll be getting enough food to fuel your body.

In addition to making sure all the bases are covered nutritionally, you’ll also have room for treats if you plan wisely. You don’t have to count calories, which is a gamechanger for a lot of dieters.

This nutrition plan is designed to introduce you to the basics of healthy eating, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring. It just keeps things simple for you so you don’t get overwhelmed.

21 Day Fix Workouts

The workouts are 30 minutes per day for 21 days. Sometimes you’ll tack on an extra 10 minutes with the ab workout. Some are technically active recovery workouts, nothing strenuous like cardio or resistance.

Unless you’re very advanced, you’ll feel challenged, but the workouts are over quickly. You’ll need some dumbbells (light-medium) for some workouts, but a lot of the moves are bodyweight only.

The workouts:

  • Total Body Cardio: Uses your body weight and lightweights
  • 10 Minute Abs: You’ll do these exercises on the floor and it feels intense because you don’t get to rest. Sometimes you’ll see this one listed on the same day as another workout because it’s so short.
  • Dirty 30: You’ll use dumbbells and work your whole body.
  • Yoga Fix: Time to stretch it out with some active recovery.
  • Upper Fix: You’ll work your upper body with bodyweight and weighted exercises.
  • Lower Fix: You’ll work your lower body with. Bodyweight and weighted exercises.
  • Pilates Fix: Another active recovery that’s a little more intense than yoga,  this one will stretch and tone your whole body.
  • Cardio Fix: Bodyweight only, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy!
  • (Plus the new recordings in BOD)

If you really want to push your results to the max, you can do the 3 Day Quick Fix at the end.

21 Day Fix Extreme Basics

21 day meal plan reviews

This is where you really dial it in when you want to see serious results. This program builds upon the last one, the original 21 Day Fix. You could skip over the original if you really wanted to, though, as long as you’re at least at an intermediate level.

21 Day Fix Extreme Eating Plan

There’s no room for treats with this one, but hey, it’s just three weeks. You may find that you don’t even crave treats after that, so there’s a potential extra bonus there.

Because if you’re doing this program, you’ve probably got a good handle on eating healthy—either from 21 Day Fix or your own fitness and health pursuits—this meal plan is a little less basic than the 21 Day Fix plan. But don’t feel like you’ll be spending hours and hours in the kitchen, either.

21 Day Fix Extreme Workouts

The workouts are 30 minutes on this one, too, but the breaks are shorter. Some exercises are more intense in 21 Day Fix Extreme vs 21 Day Fix, but there’s a modifier you can follow.

While you’re able to get away with just a couple of dumbbells for the majority of 21 Day Fix, you may need a wider range of dumbbells as well as some resistance bands for Extreme.

If you’re getting ready for an event, bikini competition, summer, or a beach trip and you’re not brand new to working out, this is the one for you. Not to mention, you can follow Autumn’s Countdown to Competition program if you’re feeling especially ambitious. It’s one way to get even more out of the Extreme program.

The workouts (similar in style to the 21 Day Fix workouts above):

  • Plyo Fix Extreme (it’s plyometrics, which means a lot of jumping)
  • Upper Fix Extreme
  • Pilates Fix Extreme
  • Lower Fix Extreme
  • Cardio Fix Extreme
  • Dirty 30 Extreme
  • Yoga Fix Extreme
  • 10 Minute Hardcore
  • Power Strength Extreme (a bodyweight resistance workout that will get your heart rate up)
  • ABC Extreme (uses light and medium weights for 11 moves that you do twice through)
  • (Plus the new recordings in BOD)

About Autumn Calabrese

autumn calabrese

Autumn Calabrese is a Beachbody trainer with not only the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme programs under her belt, but 80 Day Obsession, Hammer and Chisel, Country Heat, and more. She wrote the FIXATE Cookbooks and has a show under the same name on Beachbody on Demand, where she creates delicious Fix-friendly recipes.

Her certifications are through NASM, AFPA, and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. During the workouts, she’s chatty, motivating, and tough.

21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Compared

Let’s take a look at them side-by-side.


21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Extreme

Target customer

Men or women, beginners or intermediate exercisers (even advanced may enjoy it, though), those looking to lose weight

Men or women, intermediate/advanced exercisers, people looking to lose the last few pounds and really tone up and get shredded, 21 Day Fix graduates


Autumn Calabrese

Autumn Calabrese



Yes, but the moves still may not be modified enough for beginners

Workouts per week



The workouts

Total Body Cardio, 10 Minute Abs, Dirty 30, Yoga Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, new recordings in BOD

Plyo Fix Extreme, Upper Fix Extreme, Pilates Fix Extreme, Lower Fix Extreme, Cardio Fix Extreme, Dirty 30 Extreme, Yoga Fix Extreme, 10 Minute Hardcore, Power Strength Extreme, ABC Extreme, the new recordings in BOD (Power Strength Extreme and ABC Extreme are not part of all DVD packages, so check before you purchase a used set)

Workout length

30 minutes, plus a 10-minute core workout

30 minutes, plus a 10-minute core workout


$99/year for basic BOD or $140/year for basic BOD with Shakeology challenge pack.

Specific 21 Day Fix/21 Day Fix Extreme challenge packs are around $180.00 to $250.00.

$99/year for basic BOD or $140/year for basic BOD with Shakeology challenge pack.

Specific 21 Day Fix/21 Day Fix Extreme challenge packs are around $180.00 to $250.00.

Where to buy

Beachbody.com or look for it used in DVD form

Beachbody.com or look for it used in DVD form

Eating plan

Container system, room for treats, basic recipes and ingredients, lots of variety

Container system, no room for treats, slightly less variety, more interesting foods/recipes

Intended results/what to expect

Lose up to 15 lbs in 21 days

Lose the last few pounds and get shredded

Should You Do 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme?

Buying DVDs? Beginners should always choose the 21 Day Fix. People at intermediate and advanced levels will need to decide how much intensity (and jumping) they want and how strict they want their diet to be.

The best way to purchase (and decide) is to skip the DVDs and get access to all of the workouts (to compare or swap out as needed) and nutrition info through Beachbody on Demand. If you need the containers, opt for a challenge pack or pick some up on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Can I eat more than these plans suggest during the program?

Both plans are built with the exact nutrients and calories you need to go through all the workout routine without starving or feeling weak. With the 21 Day Fix, you can have a healthy snack once in a while, but if you go with the 21 Day Fix Extreme, the rule is to stick with what the plan offers you.

Can I do these plans for multiple rounds or should I only do 1 round?

Yes! You can do it all the times you want. Especially because it doesn’t imply any crazy diet that can be dangerous for your health. You can be sure that you will be receiving all the nutrients your body needs. We just recommend you to rest a week between every start.

Are these programs good for guys? Will it help me build muscle?

Sure! If you are a guy trying to build muscle mass more than losing weight, we recommend you to try the 21 Day Fix Extreme adding 500 more calories and maybe lifting more weight. This program workout routine requires more effort, but of course, you will see a bigger result.

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