Idealfit vs Idealshape – Are These The Best Women Proteins?

The dieting industry in the United States is a $66 billion a year industry. There are so many companies promoting their diets, programs, and promises that it can be very overwhelming to try and determine which is the right one for you.

Choosing the right company and working with the right products for your needs is essential if you want the best results. It is important to remember that not every diet is for every person.

You are your own person who has your own unique body chemistry, and this is important to remember when you are trying out a plan or even when you are considering a supplement or other product. Choosing wisely can be a challenge.

Thinking about your personality type can help you to have everything that you have ever wanted from a diet. There are a few different types of dieters out there, think about which one you are, and the plan is going to find itself. According to WebMD, there are five main types of dieters who struggle with success because of their personality types. Understanding which you are and what struggles you have will help you to find your success.

Topic Contents

The Snacker


Do you love snacks? Is the hardest part of dieting giving up those mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacks that you like? If so, you will want to read these simple tips for keeping your snacking in line and in having success with your diet plan.

Snackers are not typically eating out of hunger, but rather out of habit. The best thing for snackers to do is to get themselves into a routine where they eat healthy mini meals all day long. This allows them to eat five or six times each day.

Sweets Lover

Do you love sugary sweets? Do you find yourself binging on sugar when you do not allow yourself to eat it? Is it a daily struggle to eat foods that are not full of sugar?

If you have a sweet tooth, you will find that allowing yourself to have some healthy sweets on hand can help. Consider protein bars and protein shakes, but be sure to look at the sugar content of these and choose ones that are made with natural sugars. Also, make sure to look at the calorie count and choose ones that are below 200 calories when possible.

Busy, Busy, Busy

busy for eating healthy

Do you sit down and eat each meal with a purpose? Are you constantly struggling to find the time to sit and enjoy a meal? If you answered yes to these, the chances are that you are distracted when you are dining.

Learning to focus on the task at hand when eating is a big part of being able to be successful when trying to lose weight. Slow down a little and focus on your food and pay attention to when you begin to feel full.

Free Thinker

Is the biggest struggle with dieting, thinking freely? Do you have a hard time being able to diet because of the pressure of someone telling you what to do, or telling you that it’s ok to eat whatever you want all the time?

If this is you, then you need to come up with your plan for success. Think about what you do not like about diets and work to improve your mindset. A lot of free thinkers do better with lifestyle changes that they can be in charge of instead of strict diets.

I Need a Friend…

Can you find dieting success with a friend, but not on your own? Do you need someone to be there to support you and hold your hand through the dieting process?

If you need constant support than join a dieting support group. Some of these groups are targeted towards specific diets and lifestyles, but others are strictly for diets. Now, to consider a few of the more popular dieting trends available today. Two companies are changing how you diet by giving you the freedom of choice. Both IdealFit and IdealLean offer you some great chances for having success when dieting.


ideal fit


IdealFit is a company that has been around for more than fifteen years, leading the way in women’s health and fitness. The dieting market is now targeted towards women, and IdealFit realized that this was the bigger market. Therefore, they worked to create products and a lifestyle brand that is targeted at their biggest market. Women everywhere are jumping on board and utilizing all that IdealFit has to offer.

The company is more than a diet or supplement company. Instead, they are truly a lifestyle brand. There are ways to connect with others in the community, and there is an entire line of products. In addition, their website offers workout programs, challenges, a blog full of healthy ideas and tips for success, and more. You really get more than your standard level of support with IdealFit, which in part could be why the company has been so popular and successful.

IdealFit – About the Company

Ideal Brand started in 2002. In the beginning, the company was just a small family owned business from a seemingly unknown part of Utah. The creators of the company wanted to help people to achieve their health and fitness goals. Later in 2015, IdealFit was born because of these goals.

For the past three years, the company has worked to improve their products and solidify their plan. They have worked to create a stronger presence and have continuously made an effort to have ultimate success. Best of all, they have created a product targeted at women and have helped many women find success where they were unable to find it previously.

The Plan

IdealFit is not your typical diet plan. It is a lifestyle change. The company offers a wide variety of products to assist you in meeting your goals. You will find that there are supplements and performance enhancers as well as meal replacement products.

These are all products that are targeting your desire to lose weight with a healthy low-calorie lifestyle as well as offering you a variety of choices towards your own success.

Basically, you follow simple calories in vs. calories out model. You increase activity and participate in an exercise routine targeted at helping you to burn additional calories in your goal to reach your desired weight. Weight loss can be tough and sticking to any routine like this requires dedication and effort, but with IdealFit you get the help that you need.

A Few Details About the Products

There is a wide range of different products that you can find through IdealFit. Understanding each product and its benefits for you are going to help you to determine which ones are best for your routine and which ones are going to give you the most bang for your buck.

The supplement products that are marketed for IdealFit is through their sister brand, IdealLean (which will be described in more detail later in this article). IdealFit does offer a complete line of workout wear and an excellent website that gives you all of the details that you need for your success.

Where Can You Find Them?

IdealFit products are available on their website. At this time, I am unable to find other outlets that are selling IdealFit clothing or accessories. This does not mean that they won’t soon be seen in local markets, but at this time you will have to shop online.

Let’s Talk Cost

ideal fit protein shake

IdealFit offers high-quality workout clothes at a reasonable price. They are priced similar to other workout brands and made from similar materials. They also offer a reasonably priced line of seasonings that are sure to tempt your taste buds and help to keep you on track when cooking. They’re also a great alternative to salt when you are eating out or traveling. Plus, there are great books available that will help you to reach your fitness goals and keep on track while doing so.

Spotlight on a Few Products

The Ideal Brand has been helping women get in shape for many years. IdeaFit is just one branch of the company. IdealFit is more than a brand; it is a community. There are so many ways in which you can seek out support and get what you need while you are attempting to reach your goals.

IdealFit Website/Community

One of the unique and beneficial things about IdealFit is their website. The website features a strong community full of individuals who are there to support you with your goals. They even offer specials for specific populations. For instance, students can get a 15% discount by registering as students. The website is broken down into different sections. You can learn what the benefits are for each of these sections.


Find inspiration by reading other women’s stories and seeing before and after pictures. You will see the results that others have had and feel inspired to get out there and start creating your own results.


One of the unique things about the IdealFit website is that it offers challenges that are 100% free. You are not going to have to pay to access the workouts for any of the five fifteen day challenges. There are six-week challenges that are also available, but these challenges are not free and cost around $50 per 6 week period.


IdealFit has a blog where contributors share stories of success, articles about living a healthy lifestyle, information on nutrition and fitness, information about supplements, and recipes.


This is where you can purchase all of the great IdealFit branded products.


This is where you will find information about all of the protein that is available under the IdealFit sister brand, IdealLean (you’ll be reading more about these later).


Through the shop tab, you can access all of the IdealLean products as well as the IdealFit products.

IdealFit Activewear

IdealFit has a line of activewear that is going to leave you looking great while you are on your fitness journey. The clothes are practical and have features that make them the perfect choice for your workouts.

You can even view products that are geared towards the type of workouts that you do with fashion being intended for HIIT circuits, yoga, or athleisure.

Workout Gear for HIIT Circuit Training

HIIT Circuit training is a workout method that is intended to pack as much of a workout as possible in a very short period of time. This means that workout clothes designed for HIIT are going to move with you, keep sweat away from your skin, and really stay in place when you are participating in intense workouts.

What to Wear – Suggestions for HIIT Circuit Training

ideal fit top and shorts

  • IdealFit Panel Shorts $40
  • IdealFit Halter Bra with Band $38

Workout Gear for Yoga

If you are a regular yoga practitioner, you understand the need for high-quality workout clothes that are going to stay in place while you are working out. There is nothing worse than yoga pants that are falling or shirts that are riding up while you are trying to focus and concentrate on challenging poses.

What to Wear – Suggestions for Yoga

  • IdealFit ⅞ Tights with Side Pocket $54
  • IdealFit Halter Bra with Band $38

Workout Gear for Athleisure

When you do not feel like hitting the gym and plan on getting a workout in a real-world environment, you need comfortable clothing to wear. The clothing that is made for athleisure will move with you while hiking, running, or even if you decide to hit the court for a little one on one.

What to Wear – Suggestions for Athleisure

ideal fit muscle tank

  • IdealFit Muscle Tank $32

IdealFit Seasonings

ideal fit seasonings

We all want food that tastes delicious. Of course when you are dieting it might feel like you will never have your favorite delicious foods again.

One way to improve the overall tastes of your new healthier foods is with the right seasonings. Seasonings can have high levels of sodium and other harmful chemical ingredients in them, but IdealFit produces a line of seasonings where you do not have to worry about your health.

There are four different seasonings that you can choose from.

  • IdealFit – Sweet Island BBQ, $14.99
  • IdealFit – Garden Veggie Asiago, $14.99
  • IdealFit – St. Louis BBQ
  • IdealFit – Jamaican Jerk


There are multiple books available for you through IdealFit as well. These books will help to guide you through your own personal transformation. They can also help to give you information that you might otherwise not have.

  • Trainer Lindsey’s Ultimate Guide to Macros, $39.99
  • 45 Cardio Conditioning, $39.99
  • Trainer Lindsey’s Peak Physical Protocol, $39.99
  • HopeScope’s 10-Day Summer Body Guide, $19.99
  • Tamara’s Build It! 15 Day Booty Challenge, $19.99
  • Fight Bites: 19 Protein Ball Recipes, $14.99
  • 101 Protein Recipe, $14.99
  • IdealLean Protein Cookbook, $14.99


There is a wide range of benefits that you can gain from IdealFit products. The biggest thing that you will gain is confidence. Their website is built with you in mind. It will help you to stay challenged and will help you to gain new independence from old methods of dieting.


  • Interactive challenges that will help to keep you motivated.
  • Free challenge programs for 15 days.
  • Delicious seasonings that are free from MSG, fat, and gluten.
  • Athletic wear that is comfortable.
  • Overall, reasonably priced clothing and seasonings.


  • IdealFit products are not available at mass retailers.
  • You have to wait for your clothing or seasonings since they have to be ordered online.
  • Books are only available in ebook format.

Overall Results and Impressions

IdealFit seeks to answer one of the biggest struggles for women attempting to lose weight with its valuable online support system. You will find everything that you need through their website. You can even purchase and order products.



IdealLean is a part of the Ideal Brand companies as well. IdealLean is the side of the company that produces high-quality supplements and protein. IdealLean takes information and knowledge from top trainers and dieticians and puts it together to offer you the best choices in protein and other supplements.

They have a full supplement line that is meant to address everything that your body needs in order to help you meet your goals.

IdealLean – About the Company

IdealLean is another division of the Ideal Brand. Ideal Brand started in 2002 and IdealLean was first seen around 2015 as a subdivision of the aforementioned, IdealFit.

The Plan

IdealLean works on the premise of a low-calorie diet with increased physical activity. This is the basic science behind most diet plans. If you increase your calorie output and decrease your calorie input, you will lose weight.

Thanks to IdealLean’s helpful products you will be able to lose weight quicker and easier. They offer a full range of supplements and vitamins to ensure that you reach your goals while achieving maximum health.

A Few Details About the Products

IdealLean was unique when they first came out. They offered entire nutrition and supplement line for women. Most of these lines were targeted at a diverse population of men and women. The problem was that women’s health needs are different than men’s and without getting all of these needs met weight loss and reaching optimal fitness can be a challenge.

So, the Ideal Brand Company decided to take matters into their own hands and released this incredible line of fitness supplements and products that are designed for and targeted to women.

Imagine being able to get all of your needs met with a full line of vitamins, supplements, and protein. The products are unique in that they feature products that you will not see elsewhere too. For instance, there is a nighttime formulated protein that will help you to feel relaxed while getting a great night’s sleep.

Where Can You Find Them?

IdealLean products are all available on the IdealFit website. This is a great place to go in order to be able to find the full line of products or to purchase helpful Stacks that combine products so that you can save money and try more IdealLean for less money.

The products are also available at a number of retail locations, although the full line of products is not typically available in these places and you can not take advantage of those stock prices.

Spotlight on the Products

IdealLean has a full variety of products for you to consider. You can find all of your supplements and can even purchase stacks which offer you a discount if you would like to buy a variety of products.

Here is a look at the variety of products that are available to you under the IdealLean brand name.

IdealLean FitChix Protein Snacks

ideallean snacks

One of the hardest times to stay on track with any weight loss or healthy eating program is when you want a snack.

All too often we find ourselves eating great all day long only to be completely derailed by a snack attack in the afternoon or even later in the evening.

To avoid this, IdealLean came up with a line of protein-centered snacks with the FitChix Protein Snacks. These snacks feel sinful, like delicious potato chips, but are really great for you to enjoy. Each bag of these delightful snacks is made with pure chicken protein and has just 110 calories and 2 grams of fat.

They are available in three flavors:

  • IdealLean Protein FitChix – Ranch Blend
  • IdealLean Protein FitChix – Tangy BBQ
  • IdealLean Protein FitChix – Tomato Basil
  • IdealLean Protein Oatmeal

Getting enough protein at breakfast time can be a challenge. It is especially hard when you live a busy lifestyle and find yourself eating on the go. Don’t let finding a convenient breakfast derail your diet.

Check out the IdealLean Protein Oatmeal which offers you everything that you need for a long sustaining breakfast that keeps you feeling full until lunch.

Protein Oatmeal is available in three flavors:

  • IdealLean Oatmeal – Unflavored
  • IdealLean Oatmeal – Banana
  • IdealLean Oatmeal – Peaches n Cream
  • IdealLean Protein

IdealLean makes a protein that is targeted at women. Their protein offers women the chance to have their needs met with a delicious protein shake that works perfectly for replacing a meal or even two each day. You will find that with IdealLean’s complete line of protein that you are going to see benefits and lose weight easier.

IdealLean Protein is available in many different flavors:

  • Chocolate Brownie
  • French Vanilla
  • Mint Chocolate
  • Caramel Mocha
  • Chocolate Coconut
  • Cake Batter
  • Strawberries n Cream
  • Peaches n Cream
  • Unflavored

IdealLean Protein Casein

ideallean casein german chocolate cake flavor

Do you struggle with getting a good night’s sleep? If you do, then the IdealLean Protein Casein shakes are for you. These nighttime protein shakes help curb hunger and help you to wake up feeling satisfied for longer. Plus, they have the benefits of casein which will help you to go to sleep quicker, sleep more soundly, and stay asleep all night long.

There are two varieties of IdealLean Protein Casein:

  • German Chocolate Cake
  • Butter Pecan

IdealLean BCAA

BCAAs are naturally occurring amino acids in the body. When you work out, you deplete these and need them to get into recovery mode post workout. Using a BCAA supplement as a post workout is a great way to improve your recovery time and start building muscles faster.

Check out one of these delicious flavors of IdealLean BCAA:

  • Grape Explosion
  • Peach Lemonade
  • Raspberry Lemonade
  • Iced Mocha Latte
  • Blueberry Pomegranate
  • Strawberry Kiwi
  • Orange Paradise
  • Green Apple

IdealLean Pre-Workout and Stimulant Free Pre-Workout

A pre-workout is the best way to ensure that you power through your workouts. You will find that with a pre-workout you can last longer, train harder, and even feel better as your start and finish your workouts.

This drink is packed full of the things that you need to power through. There are two versions, the original one and one that does not contain stimulants.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, then the stimulant free version is going to be best for you. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to give up bad for you caffeine habits, the regular one can help with that too.

There are several flavors of IdealLean Stim Free Pre-Workout:

  • Passion Fruit
  • Pink Lemonade
  • Blue Raspberry

There are even more flavors of the original IdealLean Pre-Workout:

  • Blue Raspberry
  • Cherry Limeade
  • Pineapple Mango
  • Watermelon Ice
  • Lemon Lime

IdealLean Supplements for Women

There is a wide range of additional supplements that IdealLean makes for women. One of the most beneficial things about these products for women is that they are tailor-made to satisfy the specific needs that a woman has.

Some of the additional supplements for women that IdealLean offers include:

  • IdealLean Creatine
  • IdealLean L-Glutamine
  • IdealLean L-Carnitine
  • IdealLean Electrolytes – Lemon
  • IdealLean Burner
  • IdealLean Nighttime Probiotic
  • IdealLean CLA
  • IdealLean Vitamin D3
  • IdealLean Glucosamine
  • IdealLean Multivitamin Beauty Complex
  • IdealLean Krill Oil
  • IdealLean Protein Bars – Cookie Dough or Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • IdealLean Peanut Butter Powder

IdealLean Stacks

ideallean stacks

IdealLean Stacks are the perfect way to get all of your needed nutrition with one convenient purchase. These stacks help you out too because they offer you all of this for less. You are saving money by buying multiple products at the same time. Plus, you get to experience first hand how the products work when taken all together as part of the system.

There are many different stacks available:

IdealLean BCAAs 60 Servings – This stack features two containers of IdealLean BCAAs.

Fit Girl Essentials Stack – This stack features a tub of IdealLean Creatine, Trainer Lindsey’s Ultimate Guide to Macros, one tub of IdealLean Protein, one tub of IdealLean BCAAs, and one tub of IdealLean Pre-Workout (regular or stimulant free).

IdealLean Protein 60 Servings – This stack features two tubs of IdealLean Protein.

IdealLean Summer Stack – This stack includes: one tub of IdealLean Protein, one tub of IdealLean BCAAs, one Tub of IdealLean Pre-Workout (regular or stimulant free), one bottle of IdealLean Nighttime Probiotic, and 45 Cardio Conditioning.

Weight Loss Stack -This stack features one tub of IdealLean Protein, one box of IdealLean Protein Oatmeal, and one bottle of CLA.

Peak Physique Stack – The Peak Physique Stack contains the book, Peak Physique Protocol, one tub of IdealLean Protein, and one tub of IdealLean Pre-Workout.

There are twelve additional stacks available on the website. This offers you the opportunity to get everything that you want and need and nothing that you do not.


There is a wide range of benefits of using IdealLean products to help you meet your goals. Perhaps the most significant benefit to IdealLean is that it is a line that is targeted at women. With today’s woman leading a busy life has become the norm.

No longer do women have time to relax and take a break, so today’s woman has nutritional needs that yesterday’s woman did not. By learning how to find the best supplements, women can ensure that they are feeling great and ready to face the day.

Top Benefits of Women’s Supplements

Women’s supplements offer women the chance to have well-balanced hormones. One thing that many people do not realize is that most of today’s supplements can negatively affect a woman’s hormones. By taking a supplement that is intended for women, a woman can ensure that she has hormones that are where they should be.

Another benefit of women’s supplements is that they are targeted to the needs that women have. Finally, women who take specially targeted supplements can increase their daily output. They are also able to get pregnant easier thanks to their bodies working as they should.


  • Easily replace the vitamins and minerals that you are not getting from food sources
  • Replace depleted hydration quickly
  • Have a healthy energy level without harmful stimulants
  • Maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails
  • Work out harder and longer with ease
  • Lose weight
  • Improve mood and hormone levels


  • Not part of a whole food diet
  • IdealLean has products that are not vegan
  • There is a significant cost associated with taking multiple supplements on a regular basis
  • Most supplements have a lot of artificial ingredients and are highly processed

Overall Results and Impressions

IdealLean is a great product line to consider if you would like to meet your health and fitness goals. The products can increase weight loss and physical performance. They can help you to ensure that you are staying hydrated and that your body has all of the nutrition that it needs for optimal performance. IdealLean provides a great line of products for any woman who wants to improve her health instantly.

Final Thoughts

With so many diet companies and lines of products available, it can be hard to choose just one. The Ideal Brands really offer you everything that you need to have success in dieting, weight loss, and even sports nutrition. You can get all of the workout gear, clothing, and seasonings to help you have flavorful and healthy foods with IdeaFit. Then with IdealLean, you can get all the minerals, vitamins, supplements, and protein that you could ever want. Best of all is that these products taste great and have quickly earned themselves a cult-like following.



Last updated: December 16, 2019

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